• Struggling with weight loss can be frustrating, but with our personalized coaching, you don’t have to navigate it alone. We offer tailored nutrition coaching that aligns with your lifestyle and preferences, ensuring sustainable and effective results. By focusing on balanced eating, mindful habits, and practical strategies, we will guide you through every step of your weight loss journey. Together, we’ll overcome challenges, celebrate your progress, and achieve your desired weight in a healthy and maintainable way.

  • As an athlete, your performance and recovery are directly influenced by your nutrition. Our specialized coaching provides tailored nutritional strategies to support your specific sport and training regimen. We focus on optimizing your diet to enhance energy levels, improve endurance, and promote faster recovery times. By understanding your unique needs and goals, we will coach you to understand how to best fuel your body for peak performance. Together, we’ll ensure you have the nutritional foundation to excel in your chosen sport and reach new heights in your athletic journey.

  • As a pro or elite athlete, precision in your nutrition is crucial for peak performance during competitions. Our expert coaching provides macro-balanced nutritional guidance tailored to your specific sport and upcoming events. We meticulously design meal plans that optimize your macronutrient intake to enhance strength, stamina, and recovery. With our targeted approach, you’ll have the fuel you need to perform at your best and achieve your competitive goals. Together, we’ll fine-tune your diet to ensure you’re at your absolute peak when it matters most.

  • Managing IBS and other dietary-related health issues can be challenging, but with our expert nutritional coaching, you can find relief and improve your quality of life. We provide personalized nutrition coaching tailored to your specific symptoms and needs, focusing on foods that support digestive health and reduce discomfort. Through careful assessment and ongoing support, we help you identify triggers, implement effective dietary changes, and create a balanced, enjoyable eating plan. Together, we’ll work towards alleviating your symptoms and achieving better health and well-being.

Single Session - $150

This is a great option if you aren’t looking for a full coaching option but need a little help pointing you in the right direction for healthier food choices to support your goals.

After completing our intake questionnaire we will ask you to keep a photographic food journal for 3 days that we will review together with you when we meet. From here we can better understand your goals and look at how best to make some small changes to help you reach them.

Follow-up sessions are available at a discounted fee (see below) which provides flexibility if you are not looking or a full coaching package.

  • ✓ up to 1-hour nutritional counselling session

    ✓ analysis of current diet based on intake form and food journal

    ✓ pointing out where adjustments are needed and why, including suggestions

    ✓ specific food recommendations

    ✓ healthier food substitutions suggestions

    ✓ how to read a nutrition facts label to help meet the desired goal

    ✓ identifying food portions & serving sizes

    ✓ healthy eating tips & strategies, when applicable

    ✓ client package containing valuable resources, handouts, tips & guidelines

  • This is the best option for those who require minor adjustments to their eating habits, no personalized meal plan & no accountability. The “Follow-Up Sessions” are a great add-on hat provide flexibility for those who prefer to check in less often.

  • Follow-up sessions for existing clients can be booked for $100 per hour.

3 Month Coaching - $1500

Working with our certified nutrition coaches for 12 week cycle is the best way to make meaningful and sustainable changes to your diet and nutritional goals.

After on-boarding and meeting with your coach we will identify areas of focus and provide you with a bespoke nutritional plan that will guide you towards you individual and specific goals.

Rather than providing you with another fad diet we will together build better habits that ensure that your nutrition education serves a lifetime.

  • ✓ up to 1-hour nutritional counselling session per week

    ✓ analysis of continued diet based on intake form and food log

    ✓ pointing out where adjustments are needed and why, including suggestions

    ✓ nutritional education in the form of daily/weekly lessons

    ✓ food recommendations

    ✓ healthier food substitutions suggestions

    ✓ how to read a nutrition facts label to help meet the desired goal

    ✓ identifying food portions & serving sizes

    ✓ education of macro and micro nutrients

    ✓ healthy eating tips & strategies, when applicable

    ✓ client package containing valuable resources, handouts, tips & guidelines

  • If you are looking for moderate weight management whether that is weight loss or strength gains that is a great option for you.

    If you are looking for help in identifying dietary restrictions or improving your gut health this is the minimal amount of time you should expect to work wth a nutritional coach for.

  • These are included in the 12 weeks we will be working together and additional follow-up sessions are offered at a discounted rate of $100 per hour thereafter.

6 Month Coaching - $2500

You have long-term health goals and you will be paired with one of our dedicated coaches who will work closely with you for the next 24 weeks. In that time you will re-educate not only on the best choices to make but also why we are making them and how these choices affect not only your immediate goals but those that will last a lifetime.

This is an education. A system of nutrition designed specifically for you and your needs. Wether your goal is significant weight loss, management of health and nutrition related concerns or disordered eating we are here with you every step of the way.

  • ✓ up to 1-hour nutritional counselling session per week

    ✓ analysis of continued diet based on intake form and food log

    ✓ pointing out where adjustments are needed and why, including suggestions

    ✓ nutritional education in the form of daily/weekly lessons

    ✓ food recommendations

    ✓ healthier food substitutions suggestions

    ✓ how to read a nutrition facts label to help meet the desired goal

    ✓ identifying food portions & serving sizes

    ✓ education of macro and micro nutrients

    ✓ healthy eating tips & strategies, when applicable

    ✓ client package containing valuable resources, handouts, tips & guidelines

  • You have long-term health goals and

    are looking to work with a a dedicated coach who can hekp you with

    • significant weight loss

    • more severe digestive problems that require longer nutritional care

    • disordered eating support, or a combination of health- and nutrition-related concerns

  • These are included in the 24 weeks we will be working together and additional follow-up sessions are offered at a discounted rate of $100 per hour thereafter.